On 11 January 2011, the AFCEA Quantico-Potomac Chapter hosted a luncheon at The Clubs at Quanctico. The topic for the luncheon was an update on the U.S. Marine Corps Guam relocation. We were honored to have as our guest speaker, Mr. Bill Febuary, the Deputy Director, Defense Policy Review Initiative (DPRI) office, Marine Forces Pacific. In his current role Bill continues to work the U.S. Marine Corps Guam relocation of Marine Forces Pacific. The luncheon was well attended and the presentation was well received.
A copy of the brief can be downloaded here.
Speaker Biography
Bill is a distinguished former Marine Colonel who made Hawaii his home after retirement from the Marine Corps in 2007. While on active duty his primary duties centered on his occupation as a Communications-Electronics Officer. Some of his duties include serving as an instructor at the Command and Control Systems School; G-6 Operations Officer for III Marine Expeditionary Force, Okinawa Japan; Chief, Technology and Architecture Division, in the Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems J-6 Directorate for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and he attended all career professional development courses culminating with the Nation War College. Unique opportunities included an assignment as a Liaison Officer to the House of Representative; Operations and Executive Officer for Mobile Training Team (Team Blue) assisting the Colombian Marine Corps; and as Directorate for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, J-5, to help develop a strategy for the war on terrorism.
After his retirement from the Marine Corps in July 2007, he worked Asia-Pacific rebasing issues for Lockheed Martin. In 2008, Bill joined Cubic Inc and served as the lead planner for Guam relocation effort for the Defense Policy Review Initiative (DPRI) office, Marine Forces Pacific. In 2009, he accepted a civil service position as the Deputy Director, DPRI and continues to work the Guam relocation for Marine Forces Pacific where he is serving today.