AFCEA International is a non-profit membership association serving the military, government, industry, and academia as an ethical forum for advancing professional knowledge and relationships in the fields of communications, IT, intelligence, and global security.
AFCEA Participants |
AFCEA’s members, sponsors and associates are among the world’s leading designers, planners, manufacturers, testers and users of systems, services and components for communications, intelligence, imaging and information systems.
AFCEA Chapters
Located around the world, AFCEA’s more than 140 chapters give engineers, programmers, managers, government officials and military personnel continuing opportunities to exchange ideas about communications, intelligence, imaging and information systems technologies. Nearly one-half of AFCEA’s chapters conduct symposia and seminars in addition to other chapter activities.
SIGNAL Magazine
SIGNAL is a monthly international news magazine serving the critical information needs of government, military and industry professionals active in the fields of command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, or C4ISR; information security; research and development; electronics; and homeland security. The Source Book, published in the January issue, contains the company profiles and contacts of AFCEA’s corporate members. It is the who’s who of C4ISR and homeland security organizations. The annual Security Directory, published in the February issue, focuses on security solutions and the organizations that provide them.
Online Publications
SIGNAL’s companion online newsletter, SIGNAL Connections,is distributed the middle of each month. The e-newsletter bridges the gap between issues of SIGNAL by providing additional news and feature articles about the industry and the association. SIGNAL’s two print directories also have a searchable online format. The Source Book online is a continually updated version of the popular print Source Book, and the Security Directory online includes information about the AFCEA corporate member companies that provide goods and services specifically geared to the security market.
Educational Foundation
Education is an AFCEA core value. The Association, in partnership with the AFCEA Educational Foundation, Chapters and Members worldwide, presents $1.4 million annually in scholarships, grants and awards to students in the “hard” sciences attending the five service academies, ROTC programs, graduate schools and other educational institutions. The AFCEA Professional Development Center (PDC) complements the Association’s educational efforts by providing a wide-ranging program of continuing education and technical training courses.
Professional Development Center
AFCEA’s Professional Development Center is operated by the Educational Foundation and offers classified and unclassified courses for government, military and industry professionals in communications, intelligence and information systems.
AFCEA Sponsored Conferences/Symposia
AFCEA conferences offer problem-solving opportunities to C4ISR, intelligence, homeland security and information technology professionals through exhibits, technical panels, and speakers. Decision makers from around the world attend AFCEA conferences to hear senior leaders, participate in panels and see the latest technologies. Events include:
- SOLUTIONS Series, quarterly, Washington, D.C.
- Western Conference and Exposition (West), January/February, San Diego, CA
- Joint Warfighting Conference and Exposition, May/June, Virginia Beach, VA
- TechNet Asia-Pacific Conference and Exposition, November/December, Honolulu, HI
- Intelligence Symposia, April and October, Washington, D.C.
- TechNet Europe Symposium and Exposition, October, Various European Locations
- Chapter Meetings, Technical Panels & Symposia, Various Locations