Fredericksburg Convention Center

Fredericksburg Convention Center

Fifteenth Annual USMC IT Day

Wednesday, May 21, 2025

The AFCEA Quantico-Potomac chapter will be hosting the 15th Annual USMC IT Day on Wednesday, May 21, 2025. Leadership from DC,I,  MCSC, C4, and others are being locked on.  This will be an in-person event with a breakfast, luncheon, keynote speakers, panels, and a mixer.  The venue will be the Fredericksburg Convention Center (2371 Carl D Silver Pkwy, Fredericksburg, VA).


Event Registration

Details Price Qty
Industry (AFCEA Member)show details + $345.00 USD  
Industry (Non-Member)show details + $395.00 USD  
Government/Active Dutyshow details + $0.00 USD  

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso

Agenda and Bios

We are currently developing the agenda