Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament
MAY 2023
Augustine Golf Club
76 Monument Drive
Stafford, VA
The AFCEA Quantico-Potomac Chapter will host a Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament on Oct 12, 2022 to benefit aspiring young scholars in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Registration and Sponsorship include:
– Green and Golf Cart Fees
– Driving Range Prior to the Event
– Tournament Scoring & Golf Services
— $5/ player merchandise credit
– Continental Breakfast
– Post Play VA BBQ Buffet
We need donations for the raffle at the luncheon following play. Please let us know if you can donate items for the raffle.
Individual/Foursome Registration
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
- Grand Sponsor has name on every hole and includes a foursome
- Lunch Sponsor includes a hole sponsorship and a foursome
- Hole sponsorship includes a foursome.
- Driving Range and Putting Green Sponsors include two golfers.
- Please contact us if you wish to donate items to our post-game raffle
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
0730-0900 Registration, range balls, and Continental Breakfast
0900-0915 Rules and Shotgun Start
0915-1430 Captain’s Choice
1430-1630 Lunch Buffet, prizes, and raffle
There will be recognition for:
- Team Low Score – Longest Drive – Closest to Pin
- Beat the Pro: Longest Drive – Closest to Pin