On Thursday, June 3, 2021, AFCEA Quantico-Potomac will host a virtual Luncheon with MajGen Jason Bohm, USMC. MajGen Bohm is the Commanding General for Marine Corps Recruiting Command.
Speaker Remarks: 1130-1215
Questions & Answers: 1215-1230
Download Brief: 20210603 MCRC AFCEA Luncheon Brief

MajGen Jason Bohm, USMC
Major General Jason Bohm, USMC
Major General Bohm was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in May 1990 upon graduating from the NROTC Program at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Major General Bohm has had the honor of commanding at many levels. He served as a Rifle Platoon and 81mm Mortar Platoon Commander with the 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines; 5th Platoon Commander with the Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) Company; Commanding Officer, Company G, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines; Commanding Officer, Recruiting Station, Charleston, West Virginia; Commanding Officer, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines; Commanding Officer, 5th Marine Regiment; Commanding Officer, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Central Command; and Commanding General, Marine Corps Training Command.
Major General Bohm’s staff assignments include: Executive Officer, FAST Company; Operations Officer, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines; Assistant Division Training Officer, 1st Marine Division; G-3 Current Operations Officer, 1st Marine Division; Ground Combat Operations Officer, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward).
In the Supporting Establishment, Major General Bohm served as the Director of the Marine Corps Legislative Liaison Office, United States House of Representatives; and Director, Expeditionary Warfare School.
Major General Bohm’s Joint and Coalition assignments include: Planner, Joint Task Force Skilled Anvil; Strategic Planner, Assistant Executive Assistant to the Director; and Director, Strategic Initiatives Group for the Strategic Plans and Policy (J-5) of the Joint Staff; and most recently as the Chief of Staff, Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO) in Oeiras, Portugal.
Major General Bohm participated in the following contingencies and named operations: Operations RESTORE HOPE; UPHOLD DEMOCRACY; FAIRWINDS; SEA SIGNAL; UNIFIED ASSISTANCE; IRAQI FREEDOM; INHERENT RESOLVE; an antiterrorism mission to Bahrain; and a deployment in support of U.S. Support Group Haiti.
Major General Bohm is a graduate of The Basic School, Infantry Officer Course, U.S. Army Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Marine Corps Command and Staff College, and the National War College.
Major General Bohm’s personal decorations include: Defense Superior Service Medal; Legion of Merit (2); Bronze Star with combat distinguishing device (2); Joint Meritorious Service Medal; Meritorious Service Medal (2); Joint Service Commendation Medal; Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal (2); Army Commendation Medal; Joint Service Achievement Medal; Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal; and Combat Action Ribbon (2).