BGen Vincent Stewart, USMC, Director of Intelligence, HQMC
The Quantico-Potomac Chapter held a luncheon on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at The Clubs at Quantico. Our guest speaker was Brigadier General Vincent R. Stewart, USMC. BGen Stewart currently serves as the Director of Intelligance, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps.
BGen Stewart’s presentation is not available for download.
Brigadier General Stewart received his baccalaureate degree from Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, where he majored in History (1981). He also earned Masters Degrees in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College, Newport, RI (1994) and in National Resource Strategy from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Washington, DC (2002).
His military education includes: The Basic School, Quantico, VA, (1981-82); The Armor Officer Basic Course, Fort Knox, KY, (1982); The Basic Communications Officer Course, Quantico, VA, (1985), The Cryptologic Division Officer’s Course, Washington, DC, (1986), The Amphibious Warfare School, Quantico, VA, (1988-1989) the Naval Command and Staff, Naval War College, Newport, RI, (1994-1995), the School of Advanced Warfighting, Quantico, VA, (1995-1996) and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Ft McNair Washington, DC, (2001-2002).
Brigadier General Stewart’s principal command tours include: Tank Platoon Leader with Company A, 1st Tank (1982-1983) and Executive Officer, Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Tank Battalion (1984-1985) Camp Pendleton, CA; Company Commander with Company I, Marine Support Battalion, Adak, Alaska (1986-1988); Company Commander with Headquarters and Service Company, 2d Radio Battalion (1989-1990); Company Commander with Company E, Marine Support Battalion, Misawa Japan (1992-1994), Commanding Officer, 1st Intelligence Battalion, Camp Pendleton, CA. (1999-2001) and Commanding Officer, Headquarters Battalion, 2d Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, NC, (2006-2008).
His principal staff assignments include: Project Officer, Light Armored Vehicle, Anti-Tank, Twenty-Nine Palms, CA. (1983-1984); Assistant Signals Intelligence Officer, 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, (1990-1991); Assistant Operations Officer, 2d Radio Battalion, Camp Lejeune, NC, (1991-1992); Intelligence Officer, and Chief, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force, Experimental, Quantico, VA, (1996-1999); Deputy Director, Intelligence Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, C3I (2001-2002); Deputy G-2, Marine Forces Central Command (2002); Senior Intelligence Planner, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (2002-2005), Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Marine Corps Forces Command, Norfolk, VA, (2005-2006) and Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, NC, (2008-2009).
Brigadier General Stewart’s military decorations include: the Defense Superior Service Medal; the Legion of Merit with one gold star; the Bronze Star; the Meritorious Service Medal with one gold star; the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, with two gold stars; the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal; the Combat Action Ribbon; and various unit awards.