March 21, 2014
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
This page is used to provide names for attendees from Quantico-Potomac Chapter sponsors to fill the included, no cost, seats. No payment is required for this registration. Make sure you include the company name used for the sponsorship when completing the registration information. Up to 4 attendees can be included in each registration. Note that Gold sponsors are limited to two free attendees.
If you have difficulty submitting your attendee names, you may e-mail them to Jay Storms at [email protected]. Make sure you indicate the event that you are submitting names for.
Venue: Clubs at Quantico
Venue Phone: 703.784.4264
Venue Website: http://www.quantico.usmc-mccs.org/index.cfm/dining/the-clubs-at-quantico/